Monday, January 26, 2009

blue blues...

there are so many songs out there about blue eyes....

and you can see why....these eyes are amazing. i love this photo, which i snapped on my birthday with my new flash (thanks baby!) hans isn't smiling, which usually makes me dislike the photo, but those eyes!! mama mia! sorry ladies, he's taken! anyways, i think his blue eyes are gorgeous!
so one day i was talking to hans about his beautiful blue eyes and he just happened to ask, "did you ever even date anyone without blue eyes?" and then i had to think.....and i kept thinking....and, well, i just don't think so. i did have a big crush on a mexican, his eyes weren't blue, but we didn't really date. flirted, but no dating...and there are a couple guys that i'm not sure if i remember what color their eyes were...but the ones that i remember were blue. which is kind of freaky, isn't it? and i didn't think i had a 'type' of guy....
now back to the photo...i love his eyes so much and i think this photo really captures their beauty....
so why do i love this photo so much? he's not smiling and you can't see his eyes at all....
i love it so much, i kept playing with it in photoshop, because the more i played with it, the more i loved it...

doesn't it just evoke some weird emotion? i'm not sure what it is....

but i couldn't decide how i liked the photo the most....

maybe this one is my seems kind of romantic.....

but this one is so rugged....hans' beard looks really dark here, but sometimes it does look that dark...and he looks all tough and 'rancher-y' (can't say cowboy, cuz he's not a cowboy, he's very specific about that) but at the same time, he looks all soft...or like he's deep in thought...either way, i love this photo.


  1. i like the first one the best...i dunno why (well, maybe i do). I guess the color saturation is the strongest in the first: blue sky, appropriately colored rust, slightly greyed seams on his jacket...very nice! He does look very contemplative in the picture---lost deep in thought about (someone?) something special :0)

  2. it's almost sad. but in a very beautiful way. i can see why it's your fave, and i like the first photoshopped one the best. because i'm addicted to photoshop and can't leave a good photo alone. and also because the more monochromatic it becomes, the less i notice his wedding ring. and i like that i notice his wedding ring.

  3. famdam-
    hmmm...yes, the first one is lovely...

    yeah...i love photoshop too, i'm just learning and i know i have so much more to learn. hans loved that you said he was cute and i'm glad you notice his wedding ring too :)
