so, on christmas day, hans and i decided that we should go out and feed the cows, give chuck a break, since it was christmas and all. so, i brought my camera and guess what i found?
all these cute tracks!! they were all around the hay. so i took pictures. they were so darn cute!
see how cute and tiny! mouse tracks! (or some other crazy small thing, like a mouse!) oh, and check out my "fittens". i made them! knitting fingerless gloves is way to hard and way too much time, so i knit fingerless mittens, hence, fittens! they work great for helping keep your hands warm while you are outside taking pictures. and they knit up pretty quick too. i should also mention that mine are a few years old. that is why they look a little ragged. they are holding up well, lasting through a few calving seasons. i wear them under my gloves all the time!*****************UPDATE**********************
there has been some debate on what animal has actually made these tracks. so if you have absolute proof or just want to guess, please do. i still say mouse or some rodent. my mom says a bunny.... what do you think??
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