Sunday, January 18, 2009

for the love of corn and comments

i don't love corn in the "traditional love" of a food item. corn is something that usually is my last choice of 'veggie' and i really, really dislike creamed corn, blech! its like someone chewed up some corn for you, gross! (and i've recently eliminated corn completely from my diet, which is a whole different story.) my love of corn comes from traveling through nebraska this last november and seeing these HUGE piles of corn everywhere. it was rainy and yucky weather, but the corn was just so beautiful. it was also about the only thing to look at driving through nebraska. i tried to take some photos as we were driving through, but eventually hans just had to stop so that i could get a shot.

see? the COLOR of the corn is just amazing. the pic just doesn't translate it very well because the weather was so grey. but if you can imagine driving through this flat, grey state, then come across these giant piles of beautiful yellow corn.....

anyways, when we were stopped at one point to take pics of the corn, we saw this:

this was a truck dumping corn. it was cool. i'd never see corn being poured out of a truck before....

the other notable thing that we found in nebraska was the little bitty corn filled town of chapman.

what?? chapman, nebraska!!! we just had to take a pic for our uncle scott and aunt janet.

now, for the love of comments.....i love, love all your guys comments!!!!!! and i'm so new to this blogging thing i just didn't know how to deal with the comments, so i decided i'm just going to respond to all your comments, in the comments. that way you guys know i love you and your comments and i don't have to spend a lot of time emailing people about comments, which seems silly, at least to me. so, if you've left a comment, you can go back and i'll have responded (hopefully i can figure it out!)

sorry i wasn't able to post while we were at the stock show. the silly hotel we stayed at had internet but you had to pay for it! so frustrating!!


  1. I kinda feel sorry for people who live in a state where things are so blah piles of corn are the most exciting thing! I used to have to travel with The Prairie Daddy to Neb. every ultrasound season and boy do I NOT miss that trip! Speaking of ultrasounding...are you going to help out? The Hubby keeps asking me whether or not I will be coming up there to help him...(I don't think you and I are going to get away with shopping in Boz. while the guys work). I want to come so bad to see you and Hans but I don't want to work! Hee, hee

  2. Diana,

    This story really moved me.


  3. p. mama-
    yeah, nebraska is super boring! we just delivered some cows to Three Forks and Toston (to be sold and some donor cows) and the drive was just beautiful. so clear and sunny today, the mountains were amazing...kind of hard to imagine that people don't get to see that everyday.
    i'll probably be helping out one way or another. unless it is really, really cold. then i'm using my 'i'm a volunteer and i don't have to be here' excuse. but if you were out there freezing your butt off, i'd totally be out there with you :)

    you crack me up. if you think this is a good story, just wait, there will be so many more!!

  4. Last time I came up it was like the coldest, worst day working ever! It was so cold and blizzardy that they sent the kids home early and shut the school down in Meeteetse! I remember you got off the hook that day!

    If you're going to be out there it is tempting to come with...although I have a feeling we could get in trouble together! I can just imagine screwing up some numbers or something because I am too involved in chatting with you!

  5. Ahem. The midwest is gorgeous, people! The prairies aren't beautiful like the mountains, but they are beautiful in their own way. :p

    And I feel sorry for people who don't eat corn! lol.

    The pictures are really nice, D. :)

  6. p. mama-
    yeah, last time you were here it was horrible and i did get to use my volunteer status to full advantage. sorry.
    if you want to come, i'd love, love, love to see you but if you are really worried that we'd mess something up or it will be way too cold, then go ahead, stay home.... :'(

    i didn't say that i didn't like the midwest...just that well, people in the midwest miss out on we miss out on tornados and...uh, things like that. jk, jk. i see i'm going to have to find some pics of the midwest and post them, as my piles of lovely corn wasn't enough... :)

  7. The Prairie Daddy gave me a deadline of tomorrow to tell him whether or not I am coming. I think I will say yes...

    I will just warn him that it might be dangerous. And I will give him permission to send us shopping in Bozeman if he wants (that would be a miracle...but I am a woman of faith!)

  8. p. mama-
    haha, he must have gotten tired of you going back and forth...i thought it was this weekend and i was going to warn you the weather was supposed to get bad (i figured if i didn't you'd kill me!) but hans said it isn't this weekend...i'm so confused....but, whoo hoo! i'm excited to see you! will the kiddo be coming along also?

  9. I'll have you know that tornado season presents wonderful photographic opportunities! So there!
