Sunday, July 5, 2009

germany interrupted again....

yesterday was the 4th of july and while i know everyone is dying to see more photos of germany, i just have to share my fireworks pic.

i'm only going to share one. my favorite one. i think it is super-duper awesome.

we just watched everyone else's fireworks from our house. we watched from our living room, from our screened in porch, from our balcony (when we were snapping pics) and from our bed. the fireworks when until midnight here. it seemed that many people traveled outside the state to bring in the biggest and the best. hans and i were just glad to have so many to watch. (and that our house didn't burn down.)

there are probably 100 ways to get photos of fireworks, i went with this method. its too bad the 4th of july only comes once a year. because i feel like i could be a professional fireworks photographer and be happy the rest of my life. it was just so much fun.

i'm really proud of this one. what do you think? sweet, huh? (maybe i don't want to know if you think that it sucks.)

i took a whole bunch of pics....a bunch! and i think i have several to pick from that are good, but this one was my fav when i went through them this morning.

hope everyone had a good 4th!!!

(oh...and just an FYI....this is without major photo-shopping! (i only took out a couple really loud noisy spots) how cool is that!)

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