Friday, May 1, 2009

germany day 4

day 4 started out much better....

we had to go to Amberg (Ammerthal is little!) to do some shopping for Tante Isabella. which was just fine, because the shopping would be a good excuse to get to wander around and check things out.there's always a cool town square.....(do you like the sky in this one? i used a new thing i learned in my weekend photog class!)

another view of the square....i like how all the buildings are connected but very distinct....(yeah, i ps-ed the sky in this one too....i really like doing that! makes the sky look soooooo much better!)

some amazing buildings! (i hope you like to look at pictures of buildings....this won't be the last one!) yeah, i didn't make the sky cool in this one...can you tell the difference?

crazy old churches.... that's a fruit or flower stand in front of it, i can't remember now. we were a little early in the year for all the fruit/veggie/flower stands, but there still were quite a few. it was neat. i bet that during the summer the stands are just everywhere!

another neat building....and you can see how these old building are shops....i call this pic 'yellow purse' but because people are so jam-packed here, i'm sure those are apartments above the shop.

i just don't think that they build them like they used is just so pretty to look at all the architecture over there!i liked how the canals are built right through everything....or everything is built right up to the canal......

this gives you a pretty good idea how things were, beyond the square....yeah, it is a little claustrophobic sometimes....and see how the building is curved? its not an optical illusion because of my camera, they really built them like that. you'll see more of that when we go to munich. oh and yeah, that's a church steeple....

when you walk behind the church....

you get to check out this. so, that's jesus at the bottom in the tomb.....and because i can't remember very much from my years in catholic high school, i'm not quite sure who the 4 others are....but i find that jesus (and mostly dead/dying jesus) is everywhere in germany.

right as we were walking away from dead jesus and the 4 dudes praying for him, i found the coolest wall....

i love it.....

this is possibly my favorite pic that i took the entire time we were in germany.....i have no idea why, but i just like it so very, very much....

then we went meat shopping!!!

are you ready for it?

because seriously...meat over there isn't like meat over here....especially if you come from a ranching family.....

you go to the "butcher" but really, its more like a meat-store. it seems that germans like processed meats.....

this is evi taking pics of the meat too. note: this is the view of evi that i had for most of the trip, camera up to face, snapping away....but if she had a pic of me taking a pic, she'd probably say the same thing...

here's some sausages...a whole wall of them. in the bottom right are the famous 'white sausages' that are not to be consumed after noon. or actually it is some saying about not letting them here the noon-day bell or something like that. both times we ate them, we ate them after noon, yeah, we're risky like that. but the story is because they make them fresh everyday, without preservatives and refrigeration was lacking back in the day, they'd spoil if you let them sit too if you trust your fridge, you can eat them any time of day.

this is a horrible pic, i'm so very sorry about the crazy color. the napkin is suppose to be white...*sigh* anyways, this is something that we ate a LOT. it was our snack almost everyday we were out and about. i call it 'hot baloney'. that's what it is! a big thick slice of processed meat, similar (but better) than bologna served on a roll. hans and i shared this one, so it is cut in half, and on my half, i asked for some mustard. this mustard is sweet, it is almost like a jelly or relish than mustard and it makes the 'hot baloney' taste pretty good!

here's a selection of processed meats....i'm not sure which ones are what, but i'm pretty sure i ate a few of those in the pic. although nothing with anything green or red in it.....but possibly the large slices in the bottom right was consumed for breakfast on more than is kind of like bologna with chunks of real meat.

this was something i didn't eat. who eats this? i have no idea....but it is some meat, some veggies? and an egg in a gelatin-like substance....

oh yeah, here's more of it....and look, some in slices!! i personally have never seen any member of hans' family eat this. or buy it. thank god.

this was not in the meat store. this was in the window of a shop that sold little tourist-y things. if i remember correctly, hans' cousin said it was called a 'whopple-dinger'. they don't all look exactly like this, but i like to think of them like our 'jack-a-lopes'. creative here's a sample of what i think bavarian architecture looks like....when i think of bavaria/germany, this is what i think of.the last pic of the post....this was hans when we got back to the car after running all around ammerthal. i told him to pout for me, i say it was a stuck-up accent. one day i hope he'll crack a smile and i'll get a really good pic of him....not that this one is bad....

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