Thursday, March 19, 2009

me, overexposed.....and answered prayers, unrelated....

it has been a long time since i posted. i'm sorry. as punishment you get to see a completely embarrassing photo of me. will that make it all better? good. but i'm going to make you wait until the end. hehe

ok, so first a tiny and quick update as to what we've been doing and why there hasn't been any blogging. first we had our bull sale. that doesn't seem like to big of a deal, right? well, to my non-ranching friends, the bull sale is possibly the biggest deal that goes down on a ranch. see, ranches don't make money everyday of the year. they only make money when they sell their cows, bulls, calves, etc. so when our ranch has a bull sale in march and sells the calves in november, we essentially make money only 2 days a year. and those 2 days can make or break us. so, you can see, it is a pretty stressful time. we don't sell our bulls at the ranch (no place to hold a sale) so we truck them to a neighboring town. this requires a lot of time, effort and sleeping in hotels. hence, no blogging.

after the sale, we get to deliver the bulls. sure, some people pick them up and take them home, but some people have us deliver them. this means a whole lot of 'windshield time'. (hey, i didn't coin the phrase 'windshield time' but that is what people in montana seem to say the most!) hence, no blogging.

the third thing that is going on, is.....well, i'm going to leave a little something to blog about later. hehe! but it has required some of my free time too....hence, no blogging.

now, to the good part. a certain prayer of mine has been answered. i've known this for a while. but i just thought that i would share. (prairie mama, you posted your answered pray blog when i was going to post, so i waited a while, so it really looked like i was copying you! :) hope that is ok.)

i love cats. i always have. i think kitties are god's gift to the world.

see how cute they are?? awww, just melts my heart.....

and see how cool they are?? jack is the coolest...

i know not everyone feels this way and i'm ok what that, sometimes.... anyways, my parents were very understanding of my love of cats and i had a few when i was younger. i used to take them in my room and try to make them sleep next to me. i realize NOW that i would have had more luck with a dog, but i really, really wanted my cat to sleep next to me and purr while i fell asleep. they never did. so i used to pray and pray and pray to god. eventually, cats stopped being allowed in the house (sorry dad!) and i went to college. then along came jack. (see how cute and cool above) he's a very independent little kitty. he really doesn't seem to need humans for anything except filling the food dish and emptying the poop box. which is ok with me because then when you get loves from him, they are just that much more special.

except at night. then he needs you. he needs you bad! he needs you to lay and your side and make a little spot for him to lay in. he needs the lights to be off, the covers to just be right and for you to not move around too much. then he curls up and purrs you right to sleep. it is almost like heaven every night. i say 'almost' because he is a cat and sometimes when his needs aren't met, he gets a little snippy. but anyways, if you roll around or move or throw the covers off, he has to remake his place and sleep next to you.....even after hans gets up (i don't get up early, common misconception about volunteer ranchers) jack will get up with hans and then come back to bed and sleep in 'his spot'. i know, its weird.

here's the proof.

yikes! sorry if i scared you. see, completely embarrassing! but, it is the proof that after hans gets out of bed and i roll over, jack always finds a way to lay in 'his spot'. just like i prayed for so many, many years ago.